Use "misdeed|misdeeds" in a sentence

1. This is misdeed of Japan.

2. They recorded their misdeeds.

3. The president brazened out his misdeeds.

4. A congressional committee is investigating the department's misdeeds.

5. The fire destroyed him and all his misdeeds.

6. He was scourged by the memory of his misdeeds.

7. I was to blame in part for this misdeed.

8. But the country paid for his misdeeds.

9. I was confronted with my misdeeds and confessed in short order.

10. I am afraid he can not atone for all his misdeed.

11. The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.

12. He could not exorcise the memory of his past misdeeds.

13. An owner's anger at some feline misdeed usually involves harsh tones and fixed staring.

14. This expression makes holding the bag responsible for an action, often a crime or misdeed.

15. He will have to answer for his misdeeds in a court of law.

16. Don't ever think sin is only a minor misdeed or an occasional outburst of wrongdoing.

17. Too often they ignore misdeeds and then protest when the media points them out.

18. Probably now that she had gone they were talking more freely-about the Nawab and his mysterious misdeeds.

19. Blamestorming - An intense discussion for the purposes of placing blame or assigning responsibility for a misdeed or failure

20. The characteristics of schizophrene′s misdeed and the peace breaker′s responsibility, competence to stand trial and to serve a sentence were reviewed.

21. 9 Probably now that she had gone they were talking more freely-about the Nawab and his mysterious misdeeds.

22. Even then, none of us suspected the scale of his misdeeds against the women he claimed he wanted to help.

23. To consider responsible for a misdeed, failure, or undesirable outcome: Blamed the coach for the loss; Blamed alcohol for his bad behavior

24. A great uproar was raised, but he was unsuspected; while Dub, an awkward Blunderer who was always getting caught, was punished for Buck’s misdeed

25. Elie Honig writes that when President Donald Trump was facing removal from office, John Bolton kept mum on the President's misdeeds

26. A great uproar was raised, but he was unsuspected ; while Dub, an awkward blunderer who was always getting caught, was punished for Buck's misdeed.

27. Critics of the “Affluenza” defense point out that it basically lets the wealthy off the hook for their misdeeds and holds them to a different standard than any other member of society

28. Atheists will bring up the misdeeds of the adherents of other worldviews, despite the fact that Atheists have been the biggest mass murders in history (see: Atheism and mass murder)

29. (9) There is a recommendation for a duty of candour to be placed in the NHS constitution, obliging hospitals to be "honest, open and truthful", in effect an Admonishment for past misdeeds

30. It is more tempting to summarize it as 'a portrait of the beauty underlying American miseries and misdeeds', but that plays down the scenes of cruelty and horror, and Ball's disgust with our mores.

31. His response to Daniel Ortega's long recitation of U.S. misdeeds in Latin America was to point out that he personally had nothing to do with them -- "I was three months old."

32. "Boombastic" was the first of these tunes; another famous one is "It Wasn't Me," where he plays a guy who gets caught cheating and denies it despite overwhelming evidence of his misdeeds

33. Her existence predates all memory—even older than the titans, according to some accounts.[2] When a soul is brought before the Arbiter, all of its contents—deeds, misdeeds, thoughts, accomplishments, and failures—are laid bare, absorbed, and …

34. If the Pope in Rome still holds some sway over his LA bishops, he should retire them, void the settlement, proclaim that the church will never agree to be hold responsible for any individual's misdeed and excommunicate and Anathemise everyone who participated in this circus.

35. Designed to have Counterproposals by shareholders released to the general public in complete and unabridged form because this very act of dissemination provides the best-possible protection from corruption because the same Managing Board has to fear that all misdeeds will be exposed through the submission of Counterproposals.-

36. Definition of Compensate to give a form of payment for a good or service or as a means of making up for a misdeed Examples of Compensate in a sentence Since I paid over three hundred dollars for my dress, you cannot Compensate me for its loss with a fifty dollar check

37. If the words "hypocrisy" and "prick" could be physically personified in a human being, it would be "The Archfiend." A YouTube blogger who leeches off of other, far better internet personalities, The Archfiend is a parasitic douche-bag who makes videos where he "exposes" (aka, whines and cries like a toddler) what he feels are the misdeeds of other YouTube bloggers.